Charities we work with
We also play an active part in supporting local charities dedicated to improving the health and welfare needs of animals who may not be lucky enough to have a forever home. As strong advocates of animal welfare, we believe all animals deserve a chance.
Community Cats Network
Community Cats Network is a volunteer-run registered charity (20082482) operating a programme of Trap-Neuter-Return in county Cork, West Waterford and South Tipperary since 2012. They are committed to improve the welfare of all cats and seek an ethically-based solution to the problems of over population, neglect, deprivation, and cruelty.
Community Cats Network believe that TNR is the only humane solution to control the cat population. They assist local communities to organise TNR projects and actively promote the importance of neutering feral cats and their role in the community. They do not operate as a rescue but offer support with the care and rehoming of stray cats and kittens.
You can contact Community Cats Network here.

Search and Rescue Dog Association Ireland
Search and Rescue Dogs Association (SARDA) Ireland is a voluntary 999 / 112 emergency search and rescue organisation concerned with the training, assessment and deployment of Air Scenting and Trailing Search and Rescue Dogs to search for missing persons. SARDA Ireland is a Mountain Rescue Search dog team and searches for missing persons anywhere on the island of Ireland. Our dog teams are effective in the mountains, woodlands, rural and urban areas, waterways and seashore, as well as in locating accident or disaster victims.
SARDA Ireland is a declared resource to both An Garda Siochána and the Irish Coast Guard.
SARDA Ireland is a member of Mountain Rescue Ireland ( and NSARDA (National Search and Rescue Dog Association) in the UK ( which comprises SARDA organisations in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
For more information check us out at or find us on Facebook.
Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland
Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland (AADI) are a national charity focused on transforming the lives of children with autism and their families, by training and providing highly skilled ‘task specific’ assistance dogs to children with autism, who are struggling with the sometimes distressing elements of this invisible disability.
1 in 65 children in Ireland has Autism. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is identified by the World Health Organisation as a group of complex brain development disorders. It is a lifelong disability that can cause debilitating anxiety, isolation, loneliness and sensory overload.
We in Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland want to make life better for these wonderful children through giving them the gift of an assistance dog to support them in reaching their potential, in having a good childhood, in being accepted and respected for who they are.
Our autism assistance dogs are highly trained to provide safety and companionship, reduce anxiety and suffering, promote independence, and improve coping mechanisms of children with autism who are struggling with their disability.
Our autism assistance dogs give life to children with autism and life to their families
Our waiting list is currently closed, with over 250 children with autism on this list and urgently in need of the life changing support of an assistance dog. We are determined to raise more funds so that we can reopen the waiting list and give more wonderful children with autism and their families the good news that their lives will get better with the gift of one of our assistance dogs.
If you would like to change the life of a child with autism and their family, through donating or supporting our fundraising events, please contact us on (022) 43851 and we will support you in making a lasting impact in the lives of these amazing children.
For more information go to